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EDT Time CET Time
12:00 PM 6:00 PM
Case review 1
The value of vessel prep for long diffused fibrotic lesions
Prof. Mehdi Shishehbor
Clinical evidence to support treatment strategy (slides)
Dr. Antonio Micari
    Q&A - Structured discussions
Moderating questions from audience : Dr Manzi

Case review 2
The value of DA in preparing long calcified lesions for the usage of DCB
Prof. Thomas Zeller
Moderator: Dr. Anotonio Micari

Clinical evidence to support treatment strategy (slides)
Prof. Thomas Zeller
Q&A - Structured discussions
Moderating questions from audience : Dr. Manzi
Closing Remarks

Objectives :

  • Highlight role of Vessel Preparation + Anti-restenotic Therapy options for durable results in long lesions
  • Taped Case demonstration of atherectomy system and PTA balloon catheter followed by a drug coated balloon
  • Highlight Efficacy and Long-term evidence of 5 years with DCB
Date du tournage : 28/10/2021
Dernière mise à jour : 28/02/2022
Marco Manzi
Abano Terme, Italie
Mehdi H. Shishehbor
Cleveland, Etats-Unis
Thomas Zeller
Bad Krozingen, Allemagne
1 comment
Participer à la discussion
  • Mangesh T. Does this Live Webinar includes Complex long Lesions in Aorto-iliac Diseases or only Femoro-Popliteal (SFA) CTO Lesions? Does Atherectomy has any role in managing Distal Abdominal Aortic Lesions? Will you discuss toxicity of Paclitaxel coated DCB’s?

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    Realizing the PAD Workflow of the Future

    A more efficient and Versatile Approach to Complex Lesions

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