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About the program

The Drug Eluting Technology Show is a full educational program featuring a panel of experts, key opinion leaders, aiming at raising awareness about the use of drug-eluting technologies, which have emerged as effective and safe options for treating PAD, especially when compared to POBA or bare metal stents.


Register now if you are not an Incathlab member yet


We will update you soon with the new date and details!


Dear all,


We regret to inform you that the event, originally scheduled on Friday, February 7th from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM (GMT+1), has been postponed due to an unforeseen circumstance.


One of our leaders has fallen seriously ill and cannot be replaced. In order to provide you with an event that meets your expectations, we have decided to reschedule the session to a later date.


We will get back to you shortly with the new date for this must-attend event of the year, "The DET Show."


Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to seeing you soon!


Best regards,
The Incathlab & The DET Show Team

This program is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from
This activity has been accredited by the European Board for Accreditation of Continuing Education for Health Professionals (EBAC®).

Through an agreement between the European Board for Accreditation of Continuing Education for Health Professionals and the American Medical Association physicians may convert EBAC® CE credits to AMA PRA Category 1 Credits?. Information on the process to convert EBAC credit to AMA credit can be found on the AMA website. Other health care professionals may obtain from the AMA a certificate of having participated in an activity eligible for conversion of credit to AMA PRA Category 1 Credit.


Date du tournage : 07/02/2025
Dernière mise à jour : 07/02/2025
Talha Butt
Malmö, Suède
Rachael Forsythe
Edinburgh, Royaume Uni
Ashish Patel
London, Royaume Uni

The DET Show - Submit me your case

Last Call for Case Submissions⏳ The final countdown has begun! You have until January 31 at 11:59 PM (CET) to submit your case for The Drug Eluting Technology Show. 1. Showcase your exper...

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