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General principle of balloon dilatation and stenting


Plain old balloon angioplasty (POBA) using BTK dedicated balloons
- Patient 1
- Patient 2

Bailout stenting with BTK dedicated stents
- Patient 3
- Patient 4

Learning objective

POBA and balloon stenting

Learning point

How to face long lesions in BTK arteries

Devices used

Cylindrical/Tapered balloon :
- Amphirion Deep / Amphirion Plus - Medtronic
- Oceanus 14 - IVascular
- Coyote - Boston Scientific
Balloons : 
- Pacific Plus / Xtreme, 0.018'' - Medtronic
- Sterling, 0.018'' - Cordis
- Bantam, 0.018'' - ClearStream
- Saber, 0.018'' - Boston Scientific
Stents :
- Pulsar-18, 4F compatible self-expandable - Biotronik
- Xpert Self-Expanding Stent System, 4F compatible self-expandable - Abbott
- Sinus-SuperFlex-418, 4F compatible self-expandable - Optimed
- Zilver 518®, 5F compatible self-expandable - Cook


Date du tournage : 00/00/0000
Dernière mise à jour : 08/06/2021

Critical Limb Ischemia

The main goal of this Multidisciplinary School is to support clinicians to develop specific competencies in order to deal with and manage critical limb ischemia and diabetic foot disorders, to rein...

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