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Patient history

  • Male, 80 years-old
  • High blood pressure
  • Stable angina, normal EKG and echocardiography
  • Large inferior ischemia on cardiac MRI (4-5 segments/17)

Description of lesion  

  • Mid LAD Occlusion
  • Calcification - JCTO score 1
  • Good Collaterality  from RCA
  • Ambiguous origin with branchs
  • Two vessel disease, Circ already treated (stent deployment needed very high pressure)

Description of procedure

  1. LAD recanalisation without post-dilatation stenting
  2. Re-occlusion followed by Second recanalisation and DES stenting 
  • Antegrade approach, with AL2 6 french, Finecross and fielder XT
  • Bilateral injection (1 femoral, 1 radial)
  • Laser as first intention because of difficulty to open the circumflex artery

Devices used

  • ELCA laser ablation catheter (Spectranetics)
  • CVX-300

Learning Points:

  • Role of simple balloon angioplasty
  • How to access and treat a proximal and mid LAD occlusion
Date du tournage : 01/07/2014
Dernière mise à jour : 09/06/2021
Peter O'Kane, Md
Bournemouth, Royaume Uni

Incathlab CTO course

Your CTO Tutors will suggest you a table of video contents following an educational program from beginner to advanced level, completed by a didactic part with relevant lectures. For a tailored tr...

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  • jehangeer H. RISK OF PERFORATION?

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    • Vinod N. Thanks

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      • Mohamed amine R. RCA , not LAD

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