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CASE 01: Complex Distal LM bifurcation  PCI in patient with coronary giant aneuvrysm -Dr.Antonio COLOMBO

This  coronary PCI  procedure concerns a 62 years old male , with medical history of hypertension, Aorto-biiliac bypass for infra rena aortic aneuvrysm 
Presenting Heart failure III NYHA and severe coronary lesions including LAD-Lcx ostium with giant aneuvrysm

Strategy Plan

Imaging studies

  • Coronary angiography: distal LM stenosis with critical lesions of LAD, Lcx ostium with giant aneuvrysm, Mid and distal LAD lesions
  • Echo:  LV EF  65%
  • Coronary CT:LAD ostium 0.7mm, Landing zone:56mm

Clinical indication

  • Exertional anginal II CCS

Planned Procedure

  • 1st session: LM bifurcation PCI with Crush technique
  • 2nd session: LAD and Lcx aneuvrysm exclusion with DES and coils

CASE 02:  Complex suboccluded LCX PCI complicated by distal vessel perforation  -Dr.Antonio COLOMBO

This  coronary PCI  procedure concerns a 71 years old male , with  hypertension and dyslipidemia 
Presenting exertional angina  II CCS and severe coronary lesions including Distal LM, LAD and subocclusive  proximal Lcx

Strategy Plan

Imaging studies

  • Coronary angiography:Distal LM calcified lesion extending to proximal LAD, Mid LAD lesion, Proximal Lcx lesion, distal Lcx lesion
  • Echo:  LVEF 65%, mild mitral  regurgitation, 

Clinical indication

  • Stable angina II CSS 

Planned Procedure

  • 1st session:LCx rotational atherectomy and PCI  
  • 2nd session: LAD PCI 
Date du tournage : 22/02/2018
Dernière mise à jour : 12/07/2018


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