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CASE 01: Complex LAD PCI in patient with severe three vessels disease and severe LVEF -Dr.Antonio COLOMBO

This  coronary PCI  procedure concerns a 80 years old male , with medical history of diabetes mellitus, Chronic Kidney disease and atrial fibrillation 
Presenting Heart failure III NYHA and diffuse severe coronary artery disease ,The procedure was performed with LV assist device.

Strategy Plan

Imaging studies

  • Coronary angiography: Three vessels disease: Proximal RCA CTO , significant LM stenosis, diffusely calcified LAD lesions and Lcx calcified stenosis ,
  • Echo:  LV EF dysfunction  30%

Clinical indication

  • Heart failure III NYHA 
  • Heart Team decision 

Planned Procedure

  • LV assist device Impella 2.5
  • PCI the LAD and LCx  with Rotational atherectomy 

CASE 02:  TAVI Procedure for severe aortic regurgitation with trans-Proximal Brachial artery access -Dr.Matteo MONTORFANO

This  Trans-brachial TAVI   procedure concerns a young female of 37  years  , with medical history of  aortic subvalvular fibromuscular aortic stenosis treated with aortic homograft and surgical resection 20 years ago,
Presenting Heart failure II NYHA with severe aortic regurgitation treated with TAVI performed by  Brachial access.

Strategy Plan

Imaging studies

  • Echo:  LVEF dysfunction  65%, severe aortic regurgitation, 
  • CT scann: virtual basal ring permeter:54mm , virtual basal ring area:225.2mm² , occluded right iliac artery , small left iliac artery 

Clinical indication

  • Heart failure II NYHA 
  • Patient refuses mechanical prosthesis

Planned Procedure

  • Left proximal brachial access  
  • TAVI with Corevalve Evolut R  
Date du tournage : 22/02/2018
Dernière mise à jour : 09/06/2021


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