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CASE 01: RCA CTO   -Dr.Antonio COLOMBO   - Dr.Mauro CARLINO

This   procedure concerns a 61   years old male , with HBP and dyslipidemia.  
Presenting excertional angina and dyspnea with three vessels coronary artery disease including Proximal RCA CTO.

Strategy Plan

Imaging studies

  • Coronary angiography:  LAD: Tandem calcified lesion, FFR :0.80, Lcx: moderate lesion, RCA : proximal occlusion with bridging collaterals and retragrade septal filling.
  • Echo:  LV EF  45%,inferior hypokinesia. 
  • PET testing :postive ischemia in inferior wall.

Clinical indication

  • Angina II CCS 
  • Postive ischemia in inferior wall.

Planned Procedure

  • Antegrade RCA CTO.

CASE 02: Long Calcified LAD PCI with Shockwave Technology  -Dr.Antonio COLOMBO   - Dr.Azeem LATIB

This   procedure concerns a 63   years old female , with HBP and dyslipidemia.  
Presenting exertional angina  with two vessels coronary artery disease including Proximal RCA and LAD.

Strategy Plan

Imaging studies

  • Coronary angiography:  LAD: Proximal and mid calcified lesion (75%), RCA : proximal 90% stenosis, Mid diffuse 75% stenosis (treated few months before)
  • Echo:  LV EF  50% .

Clinical indication

  • Angina II CCS 

Planned Procedure

  • LAD PCI with shockwave lithoplasty..
Date du tournage : 23/02/2018
Dernière mise à jour : 12/07/2018
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  • Alexander P. Antonio the BEST!!!!

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