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Nans S.

Video : Brachial Approach &Closing for Complex Left External Iliac Artery Recanalisation and Right Iliac Artery Angioplasty


Video : Brachial Approach &Closing for Complex Left External Iliac Artery Recanalisation and Right Iliac Artery Angioplasty

Comments : Video : Brachial Approach &Closing for Complex Left External Iliac Artery Recanalisation and Right Iliac Artery Angioplasty

  • Lea L. Very interesting video. Thanks

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    Voir les commentaires précédents (4)
    • Mohamed M. Good job

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      • Rohit M. Good discuss so far

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        • Hatem E. Very nice

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          • Leonid G. Excellent and rational

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            • Tameka C. Very informative. New to CTO procedures..

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              • Denis Nikolov D. Good job ;)

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                • Mohamed M. Good

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                  • Alexandre P. Very nice case

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                    • dramthirugnanam@aol.com D. position is not perfect

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                      • dramthirugnanam@aol.com D. 2 mm can be inside

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                        • v22e V. Excelent case !

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                          • venkatesa reddy D. very good result

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                            • Mangesh T. My few questions about about Long Calcified SFA Recanalisation-

                              1.What was the prime aim of this Interventions to treat Proximal SFA Occlusion with Directional Atherectomy or Short segment occluded SFA?

                              2.Is Pre-dilatation with Coronary balloons (1.5-3.5mm) always necessary before Debulking of Femoro-Popliteal lesion with Atherectomy device?

                              3.Exact role of Chocolate Cutting balloon could not be understud? Why so many wires & balloons are used instead of doing Straightforward Hawkone Atherectomy and then Drug coated balloon plasty with In.pact Admiral?

                              4.Is their any loss of Paclitexel drug while doing Balloon Plasty multiple times?

                              5. After 'Inline flow' Recanalisation Why not below the knee Popliteo-tibial revascularisation Not attempted in same seating?

                              6.Does ABI Improved after long SFA Recanalisation & return of triphasic waveform in tibial arteries?

                              I feel Distal Embolisation protection device has No role in this Atherectomy + DEB Case!

                              So many hardware material uses is Luxury for IR Consultant!!

                              Do you agree with my comments?

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                              • Mangesh T. Great case done. Amazing results!!

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                                • Alexandre P. Interesting, than you

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                                  • Mangesh T. Very well done BTK & BTA Tibial Arterial DCB Plasty with excellent foot perfusion results.

                                    But Why not use “Phoenix Hybrid (Rotational & Directional) Atherectomy device for debulking heavily calcified distal PTA & dorsal Foot arch or at least Shockwave Lithoplasty balloons to beat Calcium??

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                                    • v22e V. Excelent case

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                                      • v22e V. Thanks

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                                        • WEN C. Wonderful explanation with clear theory and case demonstration! Good job!

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                                          • Endres J. To push the amplatz guidwire into the carotid bifurcation is a hazardous maneuver!

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                                            • aksüyek A. is triple therapy routine in your practice?

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                                              • Milan M. Its a 50% Stenosis!

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                                                • Mangesh T. Highly impressed with Proper guidance, Good Selection of Hardware materials, devices used & IR Techniques applied for the Re-Vascularisation of Chronically Occluded (Thrombotic) Left ilio-femoral Venous tract. Cause offcourse May-Thurner’s Compression. Few Questions to Main operator Dr. Houman Jalaie Sir are as follows-

                                                  1) Why Atlas gold high pressure balloon used in Post Stenting Dilatation when more pressure is needed in Pre-dilatation and breaking of Chronic fibrotic synaechie in Venous lumen?

                                                  2) Mustang has 24 atm bursting pressure while Atlas Gold & Conquest PTA Ballons has 30-40 atm bursting pressure.

                                                  3) How Vessel preparation prior to Dedicated Venous Stenting matters more?

                                                  4) Can we use Popliteal Vein Access site instead of Mid thigh SFV Site? so that 10 Fr Introducer sheath can be easily fixed and Large bore Stent deployment possible with long working shaft.

                                                  5) How aggressively , How long Post Venous Stenting Anticoagulation Therapy followed? What about Surviellence & follow up check ups Schedule in this case?

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                                                  • Abdellateef M. Weaiting for us. Impressive #Webinar

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                                                    • aksüyek A. nice save, do u routinely perform the intervention by 8 f cath?

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                                                      • maher T. very useful

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                                                        • maher T. useful

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                                                          • Evandro E. great cases kambis and chris! congratulations

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                                                            • anagha C. Very useful

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                                                              • Gafer A. Hi can I join the discussion

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                                                                • fatih U. Great result.Sometimes ballooning the lateral branch ostium makes the proximal cap and main branch visible .2,0*12 or 15 mm for this case

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                                                                  Voir les commentaires précédents (14)
                                                                  • Mahmood H. What about the origin of circumflex need any thing to be done for it ?

                                                                    • Chris Z. the origin of the Circumflex was disease free on IVUS and that is one of the reasons e did the IVUS. it had a bit of corinal shift but no need to do anything. did a POT. Good result

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                                                                  • Hesham M. Why did you stent the left Main ? what was the cross sectional area of left main ?

                                                                    • Chris Z. stented the left main as the disease extended into the left main and as the lesion was osteal with disease in the left main better long term result. high probability of missing the osteun with osteal stent as well. the left main was assessed by ivus and the stent was post dilated to the appropriate size.

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                                                                  • Abdulhakim D. Do you need relook after stabilization?

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                                                                    • Hasan F. Fine

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                                                                      • Maria B. No comment

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                                                                        • Rocco Edoardo S. Well done. Why don’t performe final kissing balloon LM-CX, but only POT?

                                                                          • Ahmed B. Ce commentaire à été modéré

                                                                          • Ahmed B. I think that it was because the instability of the patient, the complicated procedure, I think the operator tried to be efficacious and objectively the result was satisfactory with provisional in this context

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                                                                        • Osman . Thank you

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                                                                          • bassem J. youforget tomention the stent xiencesierra 4x28mmput inthLMC

                                                                            • Ahmed B. @bassem J i think it was mentionned in the description !!!

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                                                                          • Osman . Thank you

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                                                                            • Mohamed A. Well done

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                                                                              • lotfi R. hello i cant watch movie
                                                                                what format or app should i use

                                                                                • Ahmed B. Hello , Do you use phone or computer?

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                                                                              • Pecheux M. What about thé diagonal?

                                                                                • Ahmed B. I think operators just accepted the result in the context of unstable patient...

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                                                                              • mike P. utter cowboy
                                                                                balloon support in fresh lesion threatens mayhem
                                                                                who is this guy ?

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                                                                                • Segal D. well done!

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                                                                                  • Tekten T. Ok

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                                                                                    • Tekten T. Good job

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                                                                                      • Tekten T.

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                                                                                        • ahmed B. Nice case, But I have a question regarding the ballon inflation in the ostial lesion with the wired not secured distally. I think if a dissection could have happened it would have turned into disaster with the wire hanging infront of the lesion

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                                                                                          • Abdulsalam A. Bad, Bad, Bad

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                                                                                            Nans S.

                                                                                            Video : Live Case: Long Femoropopliteal lesion treated with scientifically proven drug eluting technologies


                                                                                            Video : Live Case: Long Femoropopliteal lesion treated with scientifically proven drug eluting technologies

                                                                                            Comments : Video : Live Case: Long Femoropopliteal lesion treated with scientifically proven drug eluting technologies

                                                                                            • Abush A. Hello

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                                                                                              Voir les commentaires précédents (1)
                                                                                              • Molly C. Well done - that was a difficult one. Hope patient not allergic to aluminium - the stent used is 55% aluminium. There have been reaction problems to its use.

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                                                                                                • Nilay B. Brilliant case and amazing results

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                                                                                                  • Kym M. Could you tell the quality of the channel created?

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                                                                                                    • Ashish G. excellent case with good discussion on approach

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                                                                                                      • Abush A. Hello

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                                                                                                        Nans S.

                                                                                                        Video : Recanalisation and stenting of chronically-occluded right iliac veins in a patient with severe PTS requiring previous contralateral lower limb amputation


                                                                                                        Video : Recanalisation and stenting of chronically-occluded right iliac veins in a patient with severe PTS requiring previous contralateral lower limb amputation

                                                                                                        Comments : Video : Recanalisation and stenting of chronically-occluded right iliac veins in a patient with severe PTS requiring previous contralateral lower limb amputation

                                                                                                        • Rajesh K. do you regularly land the proximal end of the stent into IVC or try to land it at the confluence? If the external compression is at the confluence then would you be convinced to extend into IVC?

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                                                                                                          • Mangesh T. 1. What was the "Hematological cause" for recurrent bilateral lower limb ilio-femoral DVT? What kind of Hypercoaguble state of the blood causing thrombosis?

                                                                                                            2. Where is the Venous access & entry side (Mid-SFV in thigh) or CFV in groin?

                                                                                                            3. How to fix up 10Fr large bore sheath in Chronically occluded femoral vein?

                                                                                                            4.Venous inflow from Profunda femoris (Deep femoral) is Sufficient even if Common femoral is badly damaged?

                                                                                                            5. Incase of "Infra-inguinal ligament" Venous stent extension and keeping it above lesser trochanter bony landmark for SFV-DFV Confluence zone; how much long term patency of 2 stents expected with post Stenting good oral Anticoagulation and Anti-Platelets??

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                                                                                                            • Sameh S. highly educative

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                                                                                                              • yilmaz M. congratulations. the flow of LAD is quite good but there is serious stenosis at the ostium of the Diagonal branch. It is an important branch. therefore it is not appropriate to leave the patient in this way in terms of complete revascularization of the patient. I would open the side branch.

                                                                                                                • Hassaan A. I think there is data that supports that if there is TIMI 3 flow in the Diagonal branch its best to leave it alone

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                                                                                                              • Tekten T.

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                                                                                                                Voir les commentaires précédents (3)
                                                                                                                • Alaaeldin H. what is the expected patency for this long segment ,multilevel occlusion.

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                                                                                                                  • Max A. Thank you for your comment. This patient requires a monthly follow up to maintain patency in order to assure ulcer healing . After 6 months the risk of restenosis and occlusion is high .

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                                                                                                                    • marcus P. Set good

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                                                                                                                      • Sandeep S. why did we have to break the end of Eluvia stent towards the end of deployment.

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                                                                                                                        • Georgi G. Leave a new comment to the discussion

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                                                                                                                          • Max A. It appears to be more convenient in long ELUVIA stent.

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                                                                                                                            • Collu B. Congratulations for very informative case

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                                                                                                                              • K R. What about doing plasty of the graft lesion without atherectomy in this case.
                                                                                                                                Because doing atherectomy of graft disease carries risk of rupture . What is your suggestion

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                                                                                                                                • Antoine T. Just learning

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                                                                                                                                  • Antoine T. Symptoms

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                                                                                                                                    Voir les commentaires précédents (1)
                                                                                                                                    • michele E. No

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                                                                                                                                      • Alexander P. The best

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                                                                                                                                        • Ulises L. Great result. Just 1 question, any reason not to perform it through radial approach using a slender sheath?

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                                                                                                                                          • venkatesa reddy D. very well done

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                                                                                                                                            • venkatesa reddy D. excellent results , perfect stent positioning at diagonal

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                                                                                                                                              • Shafiq K. Excellent TAVR case. The final valve position was perfect. The left subclavian artery approach was very nteresting. Congratulations to the operators for this beautiful case!
                                                                                                                                                Khalid Shafiq, MD, FACC, FSCAI
                                                                                                                                                Paris, TX

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                                                                                                                                                • omer S. perfect.

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                                                                                                                                                  • Harun A. What do you think about putting some coils inside the sac before closing the neck. Because endoleak may persist while the patient using oral anticoagulant.

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                                                                                                                                                    Voir les commentaires précédents (5)
                                                                                                                                                    • arie B. 'ישא 'שד איק ןמגןבשאןםמ שדטצפאםצשאןב פשאןקמא 'ןאי ךקדד איקמ 50% דאקמםדןד?.

                                                                                                                                                      • Max A. dont understand . Sorry

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                                                                                                                                                    • AWADHESH D. Nice

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                                                                                                                                                    • Zambonialbe A. Very interesting case !

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                                                                                                                                                      • Alexander P. super

                                                                                                                                                        • Max A. Thank you

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                                                                                                                                                      • Chun-Yuan C. Will direct stenting be another choice ?

                                                                                                                                                        • Max A. Sorry for the delay .
                                                                                                                                                          I recommend to predilate for this micromesh Stent to be sure to have an harmonious deployment to easen the crossing . It is particularly important with the CGuard stent

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                                                                                                                                                      • Milan M. Nice example! According to your experience, how do the Micromash Stents behave in highly calcified lesions? Thank You

                                                                                                                                                        • Max A. In very calcified lesions it is indispensable to prepare the lesion by a pre-dilatation in order to be sure that the residual stenosis is not Severe .

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                                                                                                                                                      • Mohammed R. Good

                                                                                                                                                        • Max A. Thank You

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                                                                                                                                                      • Maher J. Perfect job

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                                                                                                                                                        • Maher J. Nice job

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                                                                                                                                                          • saparmyrat S. Хорошо

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                                                                                                                                                            • Nazar N. Excellent ...

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                                                                                                                                                              • mohammad B. Amazing

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                                                                                                                                                                • onur T. Good job

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                                                                                                                                                                  • NAVIN D. Amazing result

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                                                                                                                                                                    • Vitaliy L. Good job

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                                                                                                                                                                      • ibrahim A. thanks for this nice symposium

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                                                                                                                                                                        • marie C. thank you for this nice and difficult case

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                                                                                                                                                                          • Mile C. Very nice case and realy god job. How do you manage distal SFA puncture site? When do you expect AV fistula to close or does it need to close at all ?

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                                                                                                                                                                            • ibrahim A. thanks

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                                                                                                                                                                              • zia ur rehman Z. excellent work done great

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                                                                                                                                                                                • Fazlolah S. New approach,good job,fantastic result

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                                                                                                                                                                                  • Fazlolah S. New approach,good job,fantastic result

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