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  • 86 Y.O male, Cycling everyday
  • Angina class II.
  • ∅ CV Risk factor
  • Asymptomatic Left Internal Carotid Artery (80% DU)
  • LBB and impaired LVEF= 45% 

Learning points

  • Perform Carotid artery stenting through radial acess.
  • How to use sheathless system catheter in radial procedures.
  • Avoid  Femoral access related complications.

Procedure description

  • Right radial artery puncture.
  • Introduction of  the Cordis  sheathless system with a 7Fr guiding catheter. 
  • Introduction and deployment  of the Distal cerebral protection device (Emboshield).
  • Predilatation with a 5.0 balloon.
  • Deployment of the Roadsaver stent 8x25mm with optimal coverage of the plaque within the  micromesh part.
  • Postdilatation with Aviator 7x20mm balloon.
  • Cerebral angiogram.


  • Time of procedure: 30min.
  • Exposure time: 11min.
  • Radiation dose: 0.15Gy.
  • Contrast volume: 100ml (Iomeron).




Date du tournage : 12/12/2017
Dernière mise à jour : 22/02/2018

Carotid procedures: Improve your skills!

Improve your skills on carotid artery stenting procedures! You will be able to learn more about carotid artery access: femoral, brachial, radial.  Learn about carotid artery protection dur...

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  • adnan C. angioplasty

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    • saparmyrat S. Стент проходит через 6 франч гайд катетер ?

      • Ahmed B. the Roadsaver stents are compatible with 5Fr introducer (ID : 1.8mm ), here the operator is using a 7Fr guiding catheter ( ID:2mm) , may be it pass through a 6Fr guiding cathter(ID : 1.8mm) with some friction ;

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    • Benjamin F. Good remark about 6F compatibility of Roadsaver stents! It is possible but to me there is 2 advantages of 7F : first, no friction of the stent in case of tortuosity and also less propensity of air embolism ! Second, in case of complication, 7F is more adapted !

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      • balram B. good learning

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        • Lee J. 1

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          • Nazar N. Excellent ...

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            • Muhammad T. Thanks

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              • Mohammed R. nice

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                • Jaechun H. carotid stent

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                  • Maher J. Good

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                    MEET 2015 - Session 6

                    Carotid Occlusive Disease - Are we ready for the next breakthrough?

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