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  • ashok D. Excellent lecture,,very much practical issues described nicely.

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    Voir les commentaires précédents (7)
    • Salakhitdinov S.

      Dear Dr T. LEFEVRE.
      Thank you for the wonderful presentation.
      I have a question:
      1. Mitral valve area after balloon valvuloplasty how much? 1.7-1.8 cm2?
      2. After PTMC for mitral valve regurgitation what?
      3. The patient had previously been operated on for mitral valve stenosis?
      4. What antirheumatic therapy conduct after PTMC?

      Thank you in advance for your reply.
      We have experience of more than 740 PTMC. When the mitral area of ??1.0 cm 2 or less, we are beginning to expand the balloon size of 24 mm, and at 0.5-0.6 cm2 starting 22 mm. I think you have to start with a 24 mm balloon, and gradually expand to 30-32 mm. Then you have the degree of regurgitation would be small.

      With good wishes
      Dr. Shukhrat Salakhitdinov.

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      • Shelby L.

        I'm not able to see the video after I registered.

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        • Francis A. Good video

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          • demir H. Vere excellent demonstration

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            • demir H. Very excellent demonstration

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              • isa S. Ee

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                • Antoun Y. Nice nurse

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                  • baskurt M. very nice presentation..thank you

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                    • M A. A very nice presentation
                      I have a few comments:
                      Why a lateral view was not taken before the septum was unctured to ensure that the aorta was not punctured?
                      Immediately after valvuloplasty pressure half-time is not used for calculating mital valve area.
                      when exiting the left atrium , the stretcher should be used

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                      • BEIGH J. Good presentation

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                        • Hazem A. excellent presentation , just want to ask how to avoid aorta puncture during puncture septum , what tips and tricks , in my fellow ship training center they were doing in cath lab biplane and checking all views , putting pig tail in aorta during puncture then measuring gradeint after balloning at same time LV and LA , ? is it safer to use TEE during septum puncture?

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                          • Majed A.

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                            • ashok D.


                              excellent video for learner

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