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  • george M. Very informative from one of the best!

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  • Aymen B. Wow many struggles and complications nicely managed from 2 masters !

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  • Marin V. Vauuu... Full house of very nice managed extreme coronary intervention complication! Very useful tips, thank you. Was there any room or need for perinterventional cardiac echo?

    • Alexandre A. Yes we did Echo after the case, no effusion,
      Thanks for following us

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  • Ahmed E. Awesome work by two master operators. A live demo of the various challenges faced during CTO PCI beyond wire crossing. Loved the rota tips. Had the same experience with OPN balloons in a similar scenario where a spike of calcium kept rupturing every other balloon ????????????????

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    • ahmed B. A very tough case & elegant performance. Also very unusual mishap regarding the wasted ballons, and the damaged Burr.
      Finally the CX lookks amazing at the end
      Very happy to see both of you scrubbed on a case
      It really has to be undoubtly tough since you both there.
      A fond fan of you

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      • Mohamed R. Very informative case with lots of well managed complications, some questions if I may, retrospectively was using IVL before rota or even after stenting of LCx ostium a good option, then how is LAD flow restored despite using a covered stent from LM to LCx ?

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