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Season's Greetings

incathlab wishes you all the best for 2014! We are very pleased for having welcomed more than 110 000 visitors and followers on incathlab during the past year 2013. Having produced over 100 new recorded cases and 20 live broadcasts in the coronary and endovascular field we continue to remain...

Edito de Janvier 2013

En 2012, vous avez été plus de 90 000 à visiter et suivre Incathlab. Nous avons durant cette année produit plus de 80 nouveaux cas enregistrés et 13 lives autours des thèmes coronaires, endovasculaires ... Notre ambition est de rester une source...

Interview with Dr. Max Amor, Founder and Chief Medical Editor of Incathlab

Dr. Amor, you are Founder and Chief Medical Editor of www.incathlab.com, an e-learning platform for physicians and practitioners that, by the meanwhile, well-evolved and offers a great range of video cases on the field of interventional cardiology and radiology documenting basic up to...

Interview avec Dr Alain Cribier, MD

Since the beginning of TAVI, indications have shifted from compassionate to high risk patients. What are in 2011 the good candidates for TAVI ? It is true than over the last 9 years, the indications have been cautiously extended from companionate cases (I-REVIVE trial, RECAST trial) to high...

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