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Stenting of obstructive right femoro-iliac post-thrombotic lesions

This case reports the use of the VICI stent to treat postthrombotic femoro-iliac obstructive lesions under IVUS guidance.
The patient had severe PTS, and required a previous contralateral lower limb amputation.

Complex Ostial LAD CTO: Saphenous vein Graft as an Option for Retrograde Approach

This didactic procedure  concerns a patient with history  of CAD : CABG ( Saphenous vein to the Diagonal-LAD), presenting severe symptomatic severe stenosis of the distal Graft anastomosis and Ostial LAD CTO, he has underwent  success

Step-by-Step ACURATE neo Valve implantation

This didactic procedure concerns 88 y.o in good general condition, presenting Asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis.

BTK arteries angioplasty: Optimal Complex recanalization for BTK arteries

This didactic procedure concerns a 70 years old man, with multiple cardiovascular risk factors, presenting severe Left Limb Critical Ischemia with extensive gangrene in the II-III & IV toes.

Retrograde RCA CTO PCI through epicardial collaterals

This complete didactic procedure concerns a 68 yo male, with history of LAD PCI. The coronary angiography has also shown proximal RCA Chronic Total Occlusion with residual proven ischemia.

Nothing Left behind Strategy: Long SFA lesion, Directional atherectomy & DCB

This didactic procedure concerns a 62 years old man, presenting severe right limb intermittent claudication (Rutherford 3) &  long proximal SFA lesion with subsequent short occlusion.

Complex Aorto-iliac lesion: How to deal with symptomatic Abdominal Aortic calcified stenosis extending to common iliac arteries

This didactic procedure concerns a young heavy smoker lady with bilateral lower limb severe claudication, presenting  distal abdominal aortic calcified stenosis extending to bilateral common iliac arteries.

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