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1st incathlab Scientific Board meeting

Paris, May 20th 2015

The incathlab team is willing to keep providing with its members up-to-date operative techniques, training and information from international expert contributors. It is in this perspective of evolution that a Scientific Board has been established.

On Wednesday May 20th, the 1st scientific board meeting was held in Paris with major european actors of interventional cardiology and vascular surgery.
The role of this advisory committee will be to render specialised advices in science and technology, to promote and ensure high standards of professional education, training and competences among our medical community.

A 2nd edition is planned for 2015 : a collaborative workshop will be set up to explore and share set of relevant interests, recommendations and solutions that each member will argue, in order to innovate, enhance and personalize our educative content according to our audience. The team reflexion will focus on our e-learning program following new medical developments and new digital tendances.

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