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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thanks for contributing to the success of incathlab


Dear incathlab members, sponsors & partners,

We want to take this opportunity to send a sincere “thank you”. 2018 has been filled with incredible growth and evolution: more than 110.000 videos views, 4.400 new members and 4.500 followers on our social networks.

With a new year comes new challenges and goals. We will continue to push forward with new ideas, improvements, and a dedication to providing the best customer online experience possible. As we look to 2019, development will focus on bringing you closer to discussion groups. To that end, we are committed to building a dynamic groups section that will allow you to directly communicate and exchange with your peers and experts.

In the last year, we also introduced the "Upload" feature which enables you to submit your own recorded cases in a simple and modern way. We encourage you to share your knowledge and expertise with all incathlab community!

These improvements will make incathlab even better e-learning platform and will enable us to achieve the goals to which we aspire. But remember that we will only succeed with your continued support and participation!

Again, we thank you for your engagement. We wish you and yours a New Year filled with happiness.

incathlab team


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