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  • Nazar N. Great job

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    • Mohamed M. great job

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      • Pieter M. Dear colleagues, What is your preferred approach, antegrade or cross-over? And how do you prevent entering the DFA instead of the SFA when puncturing the CFA?

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        • Plagnes S. Very interesting presentation thank you all.

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          • Patrícia Guilherme G. Fantástico Reverse Webinar.
            Thank you

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            Nans S.

            Video : Two experts de-mystify complex lesions: the versatility of vessel preparation tools in combination with DCB


            Video : Two experts de-mystify complex lesions: the versatility of vessel preparation tools in combination with DCB

            Comments : Video : Two experts de-mystify complex lesions: the versatility of vessel preparation tools in combination with DCB

            • Gohar R. Excellent demonstration and thorough explanation and discussion, well done, thank you

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              • khalid . Please how to make the wire in a looped shape, do you make it looped before getting to subintimal space or after, shall you enter the subintmal with catether first or with wire first

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                • TAMCI N. your on sirs we can hear you

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                  • amy F. We cannot hear or see anything yet

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                    • amy F. We logged out and back in. Still nothing. Black screen with a stop button. No sound.

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                    • Christa Q. cant get video n lap top. even created account

                      • Paul L. Hi Christa,
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                    • chankseliani G. Which support catheter do you prefer when reanalyzing tibial artery?

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                      • mohamad ali A. im wondering about patency rate in the case of palmar arterial arch colleagues ???

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                        • chankseliani G. Which is a suport catheter

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                          • Nikolai Z. is video going?

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                            • MARCEL V. Excellent teaching session!!!

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                              • Vittorio R. I still think that if you have a good distal target and suitable saphenous vein, in a good risk patient, bypass is the way to go.

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                                • Vittorio R. Particularly in a patient with multilevel disease.

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