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About Mohamed Abdellaoui

8 Videos
1 Centers

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About Jad Abi khalil

Vascular surgeon
1 Videos

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About Julien Adjedj

20 Videos
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About Luc Aguirre

4 Videos
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About Flavio Airoldi

9 Videos
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Mohammad Al Twalah

Head of Interventional Radiology Department, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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About Mohammad Al twalah

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About Dr. khaldoon Alaswad

11 Videos

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About João Albuquerque e castro

Vascular surgeon - Angiology
1 Videos

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About Manuel Alonso

Vascular surgeon
4 Videos
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About Max Amor

266 Videos
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About Giovanni Amoroso

3 Videos

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About Giorgio Angelopoulos

5 Videos
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About Michaël Angioi

Cardiologist - MD, PhD
31 Videos
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About Lieven Annemans

Other - Health Economics Professor
2 Videos

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About Martin Austermann

Vascular surgeon
13 Videos
1 Centers

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About Alexandre Avran

150 Videos
1 Centers

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About Mohamed Ayoub

3 Videos
1 Centers

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About Alexandre Azmoun

Other - Cardiac surgery
3 Videos
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About Manuel Bacrot

Vascular surgeon
4 Videos

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About Niels Baeckgaard

Vascular surgeon
1 Videos

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About Martin Banyai

Angiologist - Internal Medicine
9 Videos
1 Centers

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About Emanuele Barbato

Cardiologist - Interventional cardiologist
3 Videos

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About Pierre Barnay

4 Videos
1 Centers

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About Paul Barragan

5 Videos
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About Jan Belohlavek

2 Videos

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About Johan Bennett

25 Videos
1 Centers

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About Patrice Bergeron

Vascular surgeon
1 Videos

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About Luc Besson

Vascular surgeon - Interventional Cardiology
5 Videos
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About Tim Betts

4 Videos

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About Theodosios Bisdas

Vascular surgeon
20 Videos
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About Stephen Black

Vascular surgeon
2 Videos

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About Matthias Bossard

4 Videos
1 Centers

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About Nicolas Boudou

Cardiologist - Interventional cardiology
64 Videos
1 Centers

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About Marouane Boukhris

Radiologist - Dr
2 Videos

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About Ahmed Bouzid

5 Videos
1 Centers

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About Christian Breton

4 Videos
1 Centers

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About Emmanouil Brilakis

22 Videos

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About Romain Cador

6 Videos
1 Centers

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About Joren Callaert

Vascular surgeon
2 Videos
1 Centers

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About Rui Campante teles

Cardiologist - Interventional Cardiologist
7 Videos

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About Stéphane Carlier

Cardiologist - Bioengineering
17 Videos

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About Didier Carrié

6 Videos
1 Centers

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About Frédéric Casassus

17 Videos
1 Centers

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About Didier Champagnac

11 Videos
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About Patrick Chevallier

4 Videos
1 Centers

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About Stéphane Chevallier

Cardiologist - Imagerie cardiaque
1 Videos

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About Luc-philippe Christiaens

1 Videos
1 Centers

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About Mathieu Clair

1 Videos

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About Antonio Colombo

Cardiologist - Interventional Cardiology
11 Videos

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About Philippe Commeau

19 Videos
1 Centers

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About Raphaël Coscas

Vascular surgeon
7 Videos

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About Claudia Cosgrove

Cardiologist - Interventional Fellow in Complex / CTO PCI
2 Videos

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About Florim Cuculi

9 Videos
1 Centers

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About Michael Dake

Vascular surgeon
2 Videos

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About Olivier Darremont

6 Videos
1 Centers

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About Rick De graaf

Vascular surgeon
19 Videos

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About Isabel Deisenhofer

Cardiologist - Electrophysiology
2 Videos

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About José antonio Del castro

Vascular surgeon
1 Videos
1 Centers

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About Koen Deloose

Vascular surgeon
50 Videos
1 Centers

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About Benoît Desgraz

1 Videos
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About Larry Diaz-sandoval

11 Videos

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About Jean-guillaume Dillinger

2 Videos
1 Centers

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About Konstantinos Donas

Vascular surgeon
4 Videos
1 Centers

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About Laurent Drogoul

38 Videos
1 Centers

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About Christophe Dubois

10 Videos
1 Centers

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About Grégory Ducrocq

2 Videos
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About Philippe Durand

16 Videos
1 Centers

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About Mattias Duytschaever

8 Videos
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About Eric Eeckhout

2 Videos
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About rami El mahmoud

2 Videos
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About Miroslaw Ferenc

21 Videos
1 Centers

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About José Fernandes e fernandes

Vascular surgeon
1 Videos

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About Roberto Ferraresi

Cardiologist - Interventional Cardiology
16 Videos

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About Eric François

Other - Oncologie
4 Videos
1 Centers

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About Aurélie Fresselinat

1 Videos
1 Centers

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About Peter Gaines

5 Videos

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About Mark Gallagher

1 Videos

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About Bruno Garcia del blanco

Cardiologist - Interventional cardiologist
1 Videos
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About Bernd Gehringhoff

Vascular surgeon
5 Videos
1 Centers

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About Tzanis Giorgios

1 Videos
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About Matthieu Godin

28 Videos
1 Centers

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About Elisabeth Gollut

1 Videos

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About Peter Goverde

Vascular surgeon - Endovascular specialist
24 Videos
1 Centers

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About Patrice Guerin

3 Videos
1 Centers

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About Dhiraj Gupta

9 Videos
1 Centers

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About Michael Haude

3 Videos
1 Centers

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About Robin Heijmen

Surgeon - Cardiac Surgeon
1 Videos

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About Jean-manuel Herzet

1 Videos
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About Jonathan Hill

19 Videos
1 Centers

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About Nick Hiltrop

Cardiologist - Sports medicine
1 Videos

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About Martin Hoffmann

6 Videos
1 Centers

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About Thijmen Hokken

1 Videos
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About silke Hopf-jensen

Radiologist - Surgeon
1 Videos

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About Leo nelson Hopkins

Other - Neurosurgeon
1 Videos

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About Sarah Hugelshofer

1 Videos
1 Centers

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About Sander Ijsselmuiden

Cardiologist - Interventional cardiologist
1 Videos

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About Amir Jadidi

Cardiologist - Electrophysiology, cathetr ablation of arrhythmia
6 Videos

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About Michael r. Jaff

Other - Interventional Cardiologist
1 Videos

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About Marcelo Jimenez

2 Videos
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About Lucas Jörg

7 Videos
1 Centers

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About Gómez Jorge

4 Videos
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About Andrea Kahlberg

Vascular surgeon
5 Videos
1 Centers

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About Nirmal Kakani

2 Videos

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About Narayan Karunanithy

7 Videos
1 Centers

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About Bernd Kasprzak

Vascular surgeon
2 Videos
1 Centers

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About Elvin Kedhi

Cardiologist - Interventional cardiologist
2 Videos

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About Khalifé Khalifé

4 Videos
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About Gregory Khatchatourov

1 Videos
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About Ferdinand Kiemeneij

1 Videos

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About Nils Kucher

13 Videos
1 Centers

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About Karl-heinz Kuck

5 Videos
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About Mario Lachat

Vascular surgeon - Dr.
3 Videos
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About John r. Laird

Other - Interventional Cardiologist
1 Videos

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About Gregor Leibundgut

Cardiologist - Incathlab board
20 Videos

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About Julien Lemoine

100 Videos
1 Centers

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About Pierre-yves Leroux

7 Videos
1 Centers

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About Christopher Lesar

Vascular surgeon
2 Videos

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Mark Lessne

Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

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About Mark Lessne

2 Videos

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About Sébastien Levesque

29 Videos
1 Centers

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About Michael Lichtenberg

49 Videos
1 Centers

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About Jurgen Ligthart

1 Videos

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About José manuel Llaneza

Vascular surgeon
1 Videos
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About Romaric Loffroy

Radiologist - Interventional radiologist
13 Videos
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About Elena Lonjedo

4 Videos
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About Nicolas Louis

Vascular surgeon
18 Videos
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About Lieven Maene

5 Videos
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About Kalaivani Mahadevan

2 Videos
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About Ganesh Manoharan

- Not specified
4 Videos
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About Marco Manzi

44 Videos
1 Centers

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About Klaus Mathias

18 Videos
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About Eric Maupas

Cardiologist - Interventional Cardiologist
14 Videos
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About Margaret Mcentegart

8 Videos

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About Albert Meijer

1 Videos

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About Martijn Meijerink

2 Videos
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About Narbeh Melikian

2 Videos

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About Nicolas Meneveau

17 Videos
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About Krish Menon

2 Videos
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About Pierre Meyer

5 Videos
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About Xavier Millan

1 Videos
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About Pierre Monney

1 Videos
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About Jacques Monségu

3 Videos
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About Pr. pascal Motreff

6 Videos

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About Douglas Muir

1 Videos

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Jihad Mustapha

Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

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About Jihad Mustapha

Vascular surgeon
4 Videos

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About Subbarao Myla

7 Videos

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About William Nicholson

6 Videos

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About Sigrid Nikol

21 Videos
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About Anders Nilsson

3 Videos
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James Nolan

Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom

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About James Nolan

4 Videos

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Elias Noory

Head interventional Angiology and Peripheral Cathlab, Bad Krozingen, Germany

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About Elias Noory

1 Videos
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About Peter O'kane, md

Cardiologist - Consultant Cardiologist
5 Videos
1 Centers

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About Joris Ooms

1 Videos
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About Colum Owens

4 Videos
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About Vasileios Panoulas

5 Videos

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About Yann Paquet

Vascular surgeon
5 Videos
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About Ashish Patel

Vascular surgeon
2 Videos

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About Billal Patel

3 Videos

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About Praveen Peddu

1 Videos
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About François Perret

1 Videos
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About Suzanne Pourbaix

1 Videos
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About Enrique Puras mallagray

Vascular surgeon - Angiology
5 Videos

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About Etienne Puymirat

1 Videos
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About Jeger Raban

3 Videos
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About Aljoscha Rastan

6 Videos
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About Mahmood Razavi

Vascular surgeon
3 Videos

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About Hans Rickli

1 Videos
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About Stéphane Rinfret

56 Videos

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About Paul Ross

Other - Oncologist
2 Videos
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About Marc-olivier Roussianos

1 Videos
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About Marcus Sandri

4 Videos
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About Francois Schiele

4 Videos
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About Richard Schilling

1 Videos

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About Leopold Schlüter

1 Videos
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About Andrej Schmidt

21 Videos
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About Roland Schmitz

1 Videos
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About Arne Schwindt

Vascular surgeon - Angiology
11 Videos

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About Antonio Serra

11 Videos
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About Charles Seydoux

1 Videos
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About Mehdi h. Shishehbor

12 Videos

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About Horst Sievert

14 Videos
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About Jean-philippe Simon

8 Videos
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About Géraud Souteyrand

3 Videos

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About Patrick Staat

15 Videos
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About Gregory Stanley

Vascular surgeon
5 Videos

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About Dmitry Sulimov

1 Videos
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About Emmanuel Teiger

Cardiologist - Interventional cardiologist
1 Videos

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About Jörg Teßarek

Vascular surgeon
6 Videos
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About Shannon d. Thomas

Vascular surgeon
8 Videos

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About Narayanan Thulasidasan

5 Videos

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About Roland Tilz

Cardiologist - Electrophysiology
2 Videos

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About Samuel Tissier

4 Videos
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Aurel Toma

Medical University of Vienna, Department of Internal Medicine II, Austria

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About Aurel Toma

5 Videos
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About Irwin Toonder

Vascular surgeon
2 Videos

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About Giovanni Torsello

Vascular surgeon
17 Videos
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About Ramiro Trillo

1 Videos

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About Pierre Troisfontaines

1 Videos
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About Christophe Tron

13 Videos
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About Nicola Tusini

Vascular surgeon
1 Videos

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About Mathieu Valla

5 Videos
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About Jan Van der heyden

Cardiologist - Interventional cardiologist
1 Videos

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About Jan-peter Van kuijk

2 Videos

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About Nicolas Van mieghem

11 Videos
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About Jacques a. Van oostayen

1 Videos
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About Mariuca Vasa nicotera

1 Videos

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About Fabio Verzini

Vascular surgeon - Angiology
2 Videos

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About Fabrice Wautot

Surgeon - Cardiac surgeon
3 Videos
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About Daniel Weilenmann

Cardiologist - Proctor for CTO and complex interventions
48 Videos
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About Nikos Werner

Cardiologist - Interventional cardiologist
1 Videos

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About Jan Wever

Vascular surgeon
1 Videos

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About Masahisa Yamane

Cardiologist - Interventional Cardiology
33 Videos

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About Patrick Yerly

Cardiologist - Greffe cardiaque
1 Videos
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Azfar Zaman

Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

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About Azfar Zaman

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About Chris Zambakides

13 Videos

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About Thomas Zeller

22 Videos
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About Oualid Zouaghi

5 Videos
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