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Nans S.

Video : TEVAR of the thoracic aneurysm with short neck below left common carotid arthery using C TAG with active control


Video : TEVAR of the thoracic aneurysm with short neck below left common carotid arthery using C TAG with active control

Comments : Video : TEVAR of the thoracic aneurysm with short neck below left common carotid arthery using C TAG with active control

  • Adnan J. Very nice case thanks

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    Nans S.

    Video : TEVAR of thoracic aneurysm close to the arch after debranching of left common carotid arthery and left suplevian athery


    Video : TEVAR of thoracic aneurysm close to the arch after debranching of left common carotid arthery and left suplevian athery

    Comments : Video : TEVAR of thoracic aneurysm close to the arch after debranching of left common carotid arthery and left suplevian athery

    • Vladimir B. Great case, congratulations !!!

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      • Nikolaos S. Which are the advantages of the Gore thoracic device apart from the active meccanism in comparison with the well established long term results of the Zenith TX and also the newer Zenith Alpha thoracic stent graft? Nikolaos Sch.

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        • William O. Greetings from Detroit.
          Could you discuss guideline for spinal drainage?

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