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  • Mohamed A. Interesting

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    • Rotar M. Nightmare procedure. Antegrade would have been safer and shorter with a little bit of patience.

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      • Kambis M. Thank you for your wise comment!

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        • Nazar N. Amazing.....

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          • Venkatesa R. very good result

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            • Mohd Maqbool sohil S. Vvv

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              • Kristoff C. Nice result! Congrats!

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                • Gerald Barbeau B. good job. However, I almost always use low speed (130K) and found over the years that it is better tolerated with less no reflow

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                  • Max A. Very ipedagogical . We work at 140 K .

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                    • Alexander P. Fine.

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                      • abdalwali A. why not use cutting balloon , or angiosculpt balloon

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                        • venkatesa reddy D. very good case

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                          • mohamed O. Very nice case

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                            • venkatesa reddy D. good learning

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                              • HORE D.


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                                • Umar S. Excellent work

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                                  • Umar S. Very good results
                                    I would suggest to stent the ostial LAD too

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                                    • Ademaj F. Great Case Kambis. Congratulations.

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                                      • Yahya Y. Nice demonstration. Its better to show how to interprete longitudinal view of IVUS

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                                        • Saif A. Nice and clear discussion
                                          I was wondering if FFR for mid LAD

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                                          • wenliang X. Wonderful

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                                            • Muhammad R. Good

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                                              • isa S. Hello

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                                                • venkatesa reddy D. very well done

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                                                  • Patricio N. nice teaching case

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                                                    • wenliang X. Wonderful

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                                                      • coal A. great

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                                                        • Tuygildin A. Thank you for a wonderful event! I would like to ask to lay out cases of bifurcation stenting technique minikrash. Thank.

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                                                          • Dang D. good result!

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