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Weltweit zeigt sich ein Anstieg komplexer perkutaner Koronarinterventionen (PCI). Viele der behandelten Patienten weisen sehr ungünstige kardiovaskuläre Risikokonstellationen auf, welche neben der anatomischen Komplexität der Koronarläsionen, gesondert betrachtet werden müssen.

Bei einigen dieser Patienten steigt dementsprechend die Gefahr für hämodynamische Instabilitäten während und nach der PCI. Für diese Hochrisikopatienten besteht häufig ein relevanter klinischer Nutzen, welcher allerdings im Einzelfall gegen das periinterventionelle Risiko abgewogen werden muss. Daher spielen Systeme zur Herzkreislaufunterstützung eine zunehmende Rolle. In der Webinar Serie – Complex Skills in protected PCI – fokussieren wir uns insbesondere auf den Stellenwert des linksventrikulären Unterstützungssystems IMPELLA. 




PD Dr. Mashayekhi/PD Dr. Ferenc
18:05 Aktuelle Datenlage zur pPCI
PD Dr. Ferenc
18:15 Planung und Vorbereitung der pPCI
PD Dr. Cuculi
Protektion bei komplexer PCI
PD Dr. Mashayekhi
Live in a Box Case
PD Dr. Mashayekhi/PD Dr. Ferenc


Lernziele und Zielgruppe:

Während der Webinare erfolgt ein Wissensaustausch zwischen interventionell erfahrenen Kardiolog*innen, welche im Alltag mit der Problematik einer komplexen PCI konfrontiert sind und Expert*innen auf dem Gebiet der „protected PCI“. Dabei werden den Teilnehmer*innen viele Tipps und Tricks zur erfolgreichen Anwendung einer „Protected PCI“ vermittelt.

Shooting date : 2021-01-20
Last update : 2021-03-03


Tuesday, January 25th 2022 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Tuesday, January 25th 2022 from 06am to 07:30am (GMT-10)
San Francisco : Tuesday, January 25th 2022 from 08am to 09:30am (GMT-8)
New York : Tuesday, January 25th 2022 from 11am to 12:30pm (GMT-5)
Buenos Aires : Tuesday, January 25th 2022 from 01pm to 02:30pm (GMT-3)
London / Dublin : Tuesday, January 25th 2022 from 04pm to 05:30pm (GMT)
Paris / Berlin : Tuesday, January 25th 2022 from 05pm to 06:30pm (GMT+1)
Istanbul : Tuesday, January 25th 2022 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Moscou / Dubaï : Tuesday, January 25th 2022 from 08pm to 09:30pm (GMT+4)
Bangkok : Tuesday, January 25th 2022 from 11pm to 12:30am (GMT+7)
Shanghai : Wednesday, January 26th 2022 from 12am to 01:30am (GMT+8)
Tokyo : Wednesday, January 26th 2022 from 01am to 02:30am (GMT+9)
Sydney : Wednesday, January 26th 2022 from 02am to 03:30am (GMT+10)
Wellington : Wednesday, January 26th 2022 from 04am to 05:30am (GMT+12)

The Role of Mechanical Circulatory Support in High-Risk PCI

Impella Case Club

Wednesday, April 6th 2022 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Wednesday, April 6th 2022 from 06am to 07am (GMT-10)
San Francisco : Wednesday, April 6th 2022 from 09am to 10am (GMT-7)
New York : Wednesday, April 6th 2022 from 12pm to 01pm (GMT-4)
Buenos Aires : Wednesday, April 6th 2022 from 01pm to 02pm (GMT-3)
Reykjavik : Wednesday, April 6th 2022 from 04pm to 05pm (GMT)
London / Dublin : Wednesday, April 6th 2022 from 05pm to 06pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Wednesday, April 6th 2022 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Wednesday, April 6th 2022 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+3)
Moscou / Dubaï : Wednesday, April 6th 2022 from 08pm to 09pm (GMT+4)
Bangkok : Wednesday, April 6th 2022 from 11pm to 12am (GMT+7)
Shanghai : Thursday, April 7th 2022 from 12am to 01am (GMT+8)
Tokyo : Thursday, April 7th 2022 from 01am to 02am (GMT+9)
Sydney : Thursday, April 7th 2022 from 03am to 04am (GMT+11)
Wellington : Thursday, April 7th 2022 from 05am to 06am (GMT+13)

UNCAGE coronaries - utility of DCB in long diffuse disease

A case-based discussion

Monday, May 9th 2022 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Monday, May 9th 2022 from 06am to 07am (GMT-10)
San Francisco : Monday, May 9th 2022 from 09am to 10am (GMT-7)
New York : Monday, May 9th 2022 from 12pm to 01pm (GMT-4)
Buenos Aires : Monday, May 9th 2022 from 01pm to 02pm (GMT-3)
Reykjavik : Monday, May 9th 2022 from 04pm to 05pm (GMT)
London / Dublin : Monday, May 9th 2022 from 05pm to 06pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Monday, May 9th 2022 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Monday, May 9th 2022 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+3)
Moscou / Dubaï : Monday, May 9th 2022 from 08pm to 09pm (GMT+4)
Bangkok : Monday, May 9th 2022 from 11pm to 12am (GMT+7)
Shanghai : Tuesday, May 10th 2022 from 12am to 01am (GMT+8)
Tokyo : Tuesday, May 10th 2022 from 01am to 02am (GMT+9)
Sydney : Tuesday, May 10th 2022 from 03am to 04am (GMT+11)
Wellington : Tuesday, May 10th 2022 from 05am to 06am (GMT+13)

Heartpump support for High Risk PCI and Cardiogenic Shock

Saturday, September 18th 2021 from 03pm to 05:35pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Saturday, September 18th 2021 from 03am to 05:35am (GMT-10)
San Francisco : Saturday, September 18th 2021 from 06am to 08:35am (GMT-7)
New York : Saturday, September 18th 2021 from 09am to 11:35am (GMT-4)
Buenos Aires : Saturday, September 18th 2021 from 10am to 12:35pm (GMT-3)
Reykjavik : Saturday, September 18th 2021 from 01pm to 03:35pm (GMT)
London / Dublin : Saturday, September 18th 2021 from 02pm to 04:35pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Saturday, September 18th 2021 from 03pm to 05:35pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Saturday, September 18th 2021 from 04pm to 06:35pm (GMT+3)
Moscou / Dubaï : Saturday, September 18th 2021 from 05pm to 07:35pm (GMT+4)
Bangkok : Saturday, September 18th 2021 from 08pm to 10:35pm (GMT+7)
Shanghai : Saturday, September 18th 2021 from 09pm to 11:35pm (GMT+8)
Tokyo : Saturday, September 18th 2021 from 10pm to 12:35am (GMT+9)
Sydney : Sunday, September 19th 2021 from 12am to 02:35am (GMT+11)
Wellington : Sunday, September 19th 2021 from 02am to 04:35am (GMT+13)

Heal Conclave - Left Main Bifurcation PCI

Strategies to Best Practices

Thursday, March 16th 2023 from 05pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Thursday, March 16th 2023 from 05am to 07:30am (GMT-10)
San Francisco : Thursday, March 16th 2023 from 07am to 09:30am (GMT-8)
New York : Thursday, March 16th 2023 from 10am to 12:30pm (GMT-5)
Buenos Aires : Thursday, March 16th 2023 from 12pm to 02:30pm (GMT-3)
London / Dublin : Thursday, March 16th 2023 from 03pm to 05:30pm (GMT)
Paris / Berlin : Thursday, March 16th 2023 from 04pm to 06:30pm (GMT+1)
Istanbul : Thursday, March 16th 2023 from 05pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, March 16th 2023 from 07pm to 09:30pm (GMT+4)
Bangkok : Thursday, March 16th 2023 from 10pm to 12:30am (GMT+7)
Shanghai : Thursday, March 16th 2023 from 11pm to 01:30am (GMT+8)
Tokyo : Friday, March 17th 2023 from 12am to 02:30am (GMT+9)
Sydney : Friday, March 17th 2023 from 01am to 03:30am (GMT+10)
Wellington : Friday, March 17th 2023 from 03am to 05:30am (GMT+12)

Bifurcation PCI - Insights from the Visible Heart® Lab 

Upcoming, Wednesday 26th April

A lesson of IVUS

Alex & Friends - Ep.4

Monday, October 18th 2021 from 05pm to 07pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Monday, October 18th 2021 from 05am to 07am (GMT-10)
San Francisco : Monday, October 18th 2021 from 08am to 10am (GMT-7)
New York : Monday, October 18th 2021 from 11am to 01pm (GMT-4)
Buenos Aires : Monday, October 18th 2021 from 12pm to 02pm (GMT-3)
Reykjavik : Monday, October 18th 2021 from 03pm to 05pm (GMT)
London / Dublin : Monday, October 18th 2021 from 04pm to 06pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Monday, October 18th 2021 from 05pm to 07pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Monday, October 18th 2021 from 06pm to 08pm (GMT+3)
Moscou / Dubaï : Monday, October 18th 2021 from 07pm to 09pm (GMT+4)
Bangkok : Monday, October 18th 2021 from 10pm to 12am (GMT+7)
Shanghai : Monday, October 18th 2021 from 11pm to 01am (GMT+8)
Tokyo : Tuesday, October 19th 2021 from 12am to 02am (GMT+9)
Sydney : Tuesday, October 19th 2021 from 02am to 04am (GMT+11)
Wellington : Tuesday, October 19th 2021 from 04am to 06am (GMT+13)

Live case : Occlusion de la CD

Dr. Alexandre Avran et Dr. Julien Lemoine

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