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Educational objectives

Discuss the indication of contact force monitoring on RF ablation procedures.
Understand the role of lesion visualization software on mapping and ablation procedures.
Learn about the most recent clinical results using contact force catheters and 3D mapping system in the treatment of AF and VT.



Prof. Karl-Heinz Kuck, Asklepios St.Georg, Hamburg, Germany


Program and Speakers

Lecture 1: In vivo comparison of Contact Force guided left atrial mapping and ablation with non Contact Force guided mapping and ablation.

Dr. Roland Tilz, MD, Asklepios St.Georg, Hamburg, Germany


Lecture 2: Contact Force guided ablation and inter lesion distance.

Dr. Amir Jadidi, MD, Herzzentrum, Bad Krozingen, Germany

Lecture 3: Contact Force on Mapping and Ablation of Ventricular Arrhythmias.

Prof. Paolo Della Bella, San Raffaele, Milano, Italy


Question and Answers /  Chat



This webinar is an educational event supported by Biosense Webster Europe, a division of Johnson & Johnson Medical NV/SA, and is intended for Healthcare Professionals in Europe Middle East Africa.


While every effort is made to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinions, or statements appear in this webinar, they wish to make it clear that material contained in the webinar represents independent evaluations and opinions of the authors and contributors. As a consequence, Biosense Webster Inc. organization accept no responsibility for the consequences of any such inaccurate or misleading data or statements. Neither do they endorse the content, the value of contact force used or the use of any drug or device in a way that lies outside its current licensed application in any territory. This presentation may include demonstration of the use of surgical devices; it is not intended to be used as a surgical training guide. Other surgeons may employ different techniques. The steps demonstrated may not be the complete steps of the procedure. Individual surgeon preference and experience as well as patient needs may dictate variation in procedure steps. Before using any medical device, including those demonstrated or referenced in this presentation, review all relevant package inserts, with particular attention to the indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions, and steps for use of the device.

All content of this presentation is owned by their authors and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. No modification or further reproduction of the content is permitted. The content may otherwise not be copied or used in any way.

© Johnson & Johnson Medical NV/SA 2013

7009-2013 11EMEAEXT

Shooting date : 2013-12-11
Last update : 2021-06-08
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